Equinox Greetings!
Penasco Blanco, Chaco Canyon's most prominent Great House oriented to the standstill moon. Photo by Adriel Heisev (2006).Dear Friends, Spring Equinox greetings! We are thrilled to bring you news of the progress of our new film From the Mind’s Eyes and to report that...
Annual Letter from Solstice Project 2024
This monumental earthworks was formed 2000 years ago in Ohio. The Hopewell people, so inspired by the moon, brilliantly conceived and built a marvel of geometry they could see only in their mind’s eye.Dear Friends, Happy Solstice! With great joy and gratitude, I want...

Free: New Mexico PBSWritten On the Landscape 11:00pm - Sunday, November 3, 2024 on KNME11:00 pm - Tuesday, November 5, 2024 - WORLD 5.4 Purchase the DVD Stream on Vimeo Stream on Amazon For Educational Purposes Contact Bullfrog Films

Annual Letter from Solstice Project 2023
Maya Archaeoastronomer Alonso Mendez with Anna Sofaer at Pueblo BonitoDear Friend, For 40+ years the Solstice Project has been telling the remarkable story of Chaco Canyon. Through our own original research and collaborations with educators of descendant communities...

Solstice Project colleague Robert Weiner
Archaeologists Rich Friedman and Rob Weiner with Anna Sofaer. Solstice Project colleague Robert Weiner recently earned his Ph.D. from University of Colorado Boulder following a successful defense of his (900 page!) dissertation on Chacoan roads, which was held at the...

Article in May 2023 issue of The Santa Fe Magazine

Annual Letter from Solstice Project 2022
Archaeologists Rich Friedman and Rob Weiner with Anna Sofaer at a Written on the Landscape filming event. Photo by cinematographer Dyanna Taylor.My Chaco Canyon JourneyMany of you have experienced my Chaco Canyon journey through my two previous...

Update on the Chaco Solstice Project
Presented by Anna Sofaer and Rich Friedman to the San Juan Basin Archaeological Society last month, on YouTube. (Note: A few portions of the recording are hard to hear due to poor audio quality.)

Solstice Project on PBS KNME Colores , 1/15 – New Insights on Chaco
Dear Friends, More insights about Chaco: on Saturday January 15th, at 4:00 pm Mountain Time, KNME PBS will broadcast a COLORES program focused on our recent Chaco findings “ Title or link to the program description….” . The enigmatic Chaco roads and ritual Great...

Annual Letter from the Solstice Project
2020-2021 Annual Letter December 2021 Dear Friend,I want to thank you for your interest and continuing support to the Solstice Project, and send warm greetings of the season. Our research and engagement with Chaco has been ongoing even in this challenging time, and...